July 18, 2021 Meeting – Hook ‘Em, Then Reel ‘Em In with Patricia Barletta

Our July 18th monthly meeting will start with a workshop presented by NERW’s very own Patricia Barletta: Hook ‘Em, Then Reel ‘Em In – Using Hooks to Capture and Keep Your Reader’s Attention. The workshop will be followed by our monthly business and social meeting.

Headshot of author Patricia BarlettaWorkshop Description: The first three pages of your book are the most important pages you’ll write, whether it’s to entice an agent or editor, or to have someone buy your book once it’s published. But even more important is that first sentence, because if that doesn’t interest anyone, no matter how exciting or sexy, or how much the rest of your story pulls at heart strings, no one will read it. We’re going to look at how to hook those readers and keep them reading, from opening sentence to succeeding scenes and chapters.

Bio: Patricia Barletta is a multi-published, award-winning author of historical and paranormal romance fiction with an MFA under her belt. She’s finishing up her paranormal historical romance series, THE AURIANO CURSE, this fall with the release of Book 4, MOON GOLD. After that, she’ll be writing historical time-travel romances for Dragonblade Publishing.