April 23, 2023 Meeting – Story Structure with Barbara Wallace

Our April 23, 2023 monthly meeting will start at 1:00 P.M. with a workshop titled “Story Structure” presented by author Barbara Wallace, which will be followed by our monthly business and social meeting. Not a NERW member but want to attend the workshop? Join NERW now and receive access to our monthly workshops, private email forum, and Facebook group!

Headshot of author Barabara Wallace wearing a red sweater and a navy-and-white scarf around her neckWorkshop Description: Plot is the action in your story. Structure is the framework for organizing that action. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a pantser or a plotter, follow the Hero’s Journey or Save the Cat, all stories contain the same three major parts: A beginning, a middle, and an end.

The most common – and easiest – way to understand story structure is by understanding Three-Act Structure. Barb will break down the various transition and turning points you need for your story to flow from Act 1 (the beginning) through to Act 3 (The end). She’ll also talk about how the three-act structure relates to theme and character arcs.

Bio: Since her debut with Harlequin in 2009, bestselling author Barbara Wallace has sold over 1 million books worldwide. In 2017, she added mystery writing to her resume with the Sadie McIntyre mysteries, which she publishes under her own imprint.

Barbara is a lover of coffee, a mother of cats (and a son, but the cats prefer to be listed first), a terrible crocheter, and a voracious reader. She is currently working on her first historical fiction, a story based in 1964 Greenwich Village.