September 18, 2022 Meeting – Tips and Strategies to Sell Your Books: Amazon Ads with Deb Zeb

Our September 18, 2022 monthly meeting will start at 1:00 P.M. with a workshop presented by best-selling author Deb Zeb on Tips and Strategies to Sell Your Books: Amazon Ads, which will be followed by our monthly business and social meeting. Not a NERW member but want to attend the workshop? Join NERW now and receive access to our monthly workshops, private email forum, and Facebook group!

Headshot of author Deb ZebWorkshop Description: Learn to monitor, analyze, and optimize your Amazon ad campaigns. This workshop is packed with tips and strategies to improve the quality of your advertising in the US and word-wide. Deb Zeb is brilliant, has written a great book on ad campaigns, and we’re so excited to have her join us this month.

Bio: Deb Zeb lives in New Zealand, which is just above Antarctica, but isn’t quite as cold!! She writes and publishes You Say Which Way interactive fiction as well as plays, non-fiction and short stories. Deb has a certificate in Children’s Literature and a Masters in Creative Writing from Victoria University’s IMML. She regularly gives workshops to writing groups and conferences, and one-on-one assistance to authors.