May 21, 2023 Meeting – WRITE WAY BETTER SCENES with Anne Hawley and Rachelle Ramirez

Our May 21 monthly meeting will start at 1:00 P.M. with a with a workshop presented by Anne Hawley and Rachelle Ramirez from Pages & Platforms. Not a NERW member but want to attend the workshop? Join NERW now and receive access to our monthly workshops, private email forum, and Facebook group!

Workshop Description:

Good Scenes are the Building Blocks of Great Books! Too often, writers settle for subjective opinions about what makes a scene “work.” They don’t know that there are actually objective criteria you can apply to a scene to ensure it’s riveting and know how to fix it when it’s not.
In this one-hour workshop, developmental editors Anne Hawley and Rachelle Ramirez will lead you through the practical steps it takes to write amazing scenes that will have readers hungry to turn the page.
Participants will gain indispensable new clarity into the basic building block of a story, the scene. They will come away understanding exactly how to assess their own scenes, fix the ones that aren’t working, and improve them all, for a better, more compelling story.


Anne Hawley – When she’s not editing stories, Anne is writing them, reading them, researching them, or analyzing them. She specializes in helping writers discover the heart of the story they’re trying to tell so that they can tell it more beautifully. She can often be seen riding her Dutch bike Eleanor around Portland. She’s the author of Restraint, a love story set in 19th Century London. Learn more about her editing services and her writing at
Rachelle Ramirez – Rachelle helps writers develop their stories and believes stories are our most important catalyst for change. She has an MA in psychology from Goddard College and attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Masters in Creative Writing Program on a merit scholarship. Before becoming a developmental editor, she served as a mental health counselor and as the executive director of a national writing community. You can learn more about Rachelle and her editing services at

Posted in Meetings.